
Exerzitienhaus Himmelspforten

In 1252/53, the Bishop of Würzburg, Hermann von Lobdeburg, had a convent for Cistercian nuns built on the left bank of the River Main, at the present location of Himmelspforten. In 1803, due to the effects of secularization, the Himmelspforten monastery was also dissolved and expropriated. After various uses of the buildings, a new religious life was established in 1844 with a convent for Carmelite nuns. From 1925 the historic buildings of the old abbey were then used as a retreat house for the diocese of Würzburg.
Today, Himmelspforten continues to serve as a place of encounter with God in a contemporary setting. The modern spiritual place was successfully used for the first time in 2012 as a venue for the Mozartfest.

Starting in 2014, the MozartLab takes place at Himmelspforten.

Parking spaces along Mainaustraße

Public Transport:
Tram/Straßenbahn: Stop »DJK Sportzentrum«
Bus: Stop »Mainauwiesen«


Exerzitienhaus Himmelspforten
Mainaustraße 42
97082 Würzburg
Exerzitienhaus Himmelspforten
Mainaustraße 42
97082 Würzburg