How much Mozart do people need?
The question appears simple: how much Mozart do people need? But the answer it is looking for is not a quantity or a number. The key question posed in the special-format centenary edition of the MozartLabor is: what is the fundamental value of high culture? In six lectures, eminent representatives from the artistic, political, business and academic communities examine the significance of Europe’s musical heritage, and how to handle this heritage and the responsibility accruing from it. Bearing in mind the current social trends, how can anyone engaged in high culture justify the costs? »How much Mozart do people need? Reconciling the artistic value of Europe’s musical heritage with budgets« is the core issue addressed in these lectures, which illuminate not only Mozart’s oeuvre but also the importance of an aesthetic experience as a part of human socialisation. And then, of course, the fundamental question is asked: how much are we actually prepared to pay for culture? A planned book publication will sum up the contents of the lectures.
The »How much Mozart do people need?« series of lectures is accompanied by a scholarship programme, offering young people an opportunity to gain hands-on aesthetic experience in the context of a critical discourse on the contemporary social value system.